My Skills

Programming Languages

  • Python
  • C

Firmware Security

  • Static Analysis
  • Dynamic Analysis
  • Fuzzing
  • Emulation
  • Control Flow Graph
  • Crash Triaging
  • Firmware Reverse Engineering (ARM)
  • Debugging (Embedded Security, IoT Security)

Hardware Security

  • Firmware Extraction via JTAG, UART, SWD, and Flash memory.
  • Hardware Root of Trust (Basics)
  • Side Channel and Fault Injection Attacks (Basics)
  • Secure Boot (Basics)
  • Peripheral-Based Exploits such as I2C, SPI, UART, and USB.
  • PCB Reverse Engineering


  • Ghidra, Radare
  • Unicorn, Qiling, Renode, Qemu
  • AFl/AFL++, LibAFL, LibFuzzer, OSS-Fuzz
  • Firmadyne, Avatar, Angr, Panda
  • Git, Linux

Other Skills

  • Embedded Systems
  • Machine Learning Basics
  • Cryptography Basics
  • Capture The Flags (CTFs)
  • Research
  • Security Practices & Standards
  • Secure Coding
  • Vulnerability Detection & Mitigation Techniques
  • Computer Architecture
  • Operating Systems