I’ve been fortunate to receive recognition and awards for my contributions in academia and beyond. These acknowledgments represent not only my efforts but also the invaluable support and inspiration I’ve received from mentors, peers, and collaborators. Here are some of the awards I’ve had the privilege to receive:

IEEE Best Teaching Assistant (TA) Award, UC Davis

(September 2022)

I was honored to be awarded the IEEE Best Teaching Assistant (TA) Award at UC Davis. This recognition came as a result of my role as a Teaching Assistant for embedded system courses (EEC007 and EEC172). I conducted lab sessions for approximately 20 students in each of these courses, and it was particularly meaningful to be nominated and voted for this award by the students themselves.

Best Outgoing Student & Academic Topper Award

(March 2018)

In 2018, I was presented with the “P. P. Chhabria Award for Best Outgoing Student & Academic Topper” in the graduating batch of Bachelor of Engineering at the International Institute of Information Technology, Pune, India.

Best Paper Award

(February 2018)

I had the privilege of receiving the Best Paper Award at the Eighth International Conference on Advances in Computing Electronics and Electrical Technology (CEET-2018) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

AIT-Tiger Leong International Innovation and Leadership Camp

(July 2017)

Selected to be part of the AIT-Tiger Leong International Innovation and Leadership Camp hosted at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Thailand, I joined a diverse group of 25 students from nine countries. During the camp, we collaborated as a team to brainstorm how technology could be harnessed for sustainable development. Our efforts culminated in winning the gold level in the “Hackathon Sensor Challenge 2017” for our project ‘PHIN: Powerful Crop Health Imaging Next-Gen.’

These awards serve as a testament to the collective spirit of learning, growth, and innovation that has defined my journey. I am deeply grateful for the opportunities I’ve had and the people who have played a pivotal role in my accomplishments.